Preparing the site for the new homes


In order to enable the new homes and community facilities there are preparatory civils works required in York Gardens to ensure capacity for the new expanded neighbourhood.

Throughout the remainder of 2020 and early in to 2021 we will be advising of other works which may impact the availability of open space, play facilities, road networks and parking before the new buildings commence on site.

At the beginning of July UK Power Networks will commence works to divert extra high voltage cables which currently run underground through York Gardens.

The diagram identifies the route of the new cable which crosses through York Gardens to the west of the Thames Tideway site and the One ‘clock Club and to the north of Pennethorne House, in red. These areas will be inaccessible to York Gardens users during the works. These works are anticipated to run from July to September 2020.

The civil works will require digging a pit through York Gardens and the play areas as indicated, requiring some fencing and play equipment to be removed but it will be replaced afterwards. The playground is expected to be closed for the duration of these works but will be opened as soon as possible.

The area in blue is the jointing pit, where the newly diverted cables are joined at completion of the works. This process takes several weeks and will continue after the playground reopens. All topsoil and grass will be reinstated after the works. There will be restrictions to parking in the areas as indicated with yellow lines. This area is not for residents parking anyway so should cause minimal interruption.


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